Recently I had Rachel Nabors from talk to our local meet up group about how to use your retirement funds to invest in real estate. The video here is a replay of that meet up. At the end a very engaged group asked a lot of great questions. Some of the highlights:
Knowing which plan makes sense for you, an SDIRA or a Solo 401k.
Overview of the rules and regulations that govern transactions
An alternative to stocks. Use your retirement funds to invest in an apartment building.
Self Directed IRA.
An SDIRA gives you control of your funds to invest in a specific real estate deal where you can avoid fees and the volatility of the stock market.
Solo 401k.
If you are involved in self employment activity that generates income through 1099, Schedule C, S Corp, and/or LLC and you don’t employ anyone through a W2 then this may be the best way to invest in real estate using your retirement funds.