3 Things: 3 Reasons I Moved From Small Multifamily To Large Multifamily
These are the 3 reasons that I moved from small multifamily to large multifamily.
1. The Slow Burn
I began by purchasing a 3 unit in 2016 and then a 2 unit after that. With a total 5 units and who knows how many hours of work invested I realized it was going to take a very long time to become wealthy through this process. Scaling up allowed me to hit my goals faster.
2. ...If You Want To Go Far Go Together
Partnering up allowed me to be more efficient. I could focus on one part of the deal like raising capital or asset management. I no longer had to handle everything which freed up time.
3. Steady Returns
On smaller properties when one thing goes wrong it can ruin cash flow for an extended period of time. For example, a water heater breaking in a duplex could be 3 months of cash flow wiped out. A water heater going down on a 100 unit hardly effects cash flow.